I have some awesome business news to share!! Here goes!!!! So when Tina Henry Romero asked me to sign up to be a SU Demo 13 years ago I said ok but just for the discount! and I wasnt going to make it a business! Famous last words! LOL FAST forward I am STILL a SU demo today and God just continues to bless my growing and successful business and my efforts of what I put into it and lots more!! Efforts of my team of 22 as of right now and were growing constantly I wouldnt be where I am without all of them!
So excited to announce I have EARNED my first ever Incentive Trip!!! Newport Beach!!!! But, SU offers the chance to earn 2 different trips!!! So, my goal from July when they announced where the second trip was going to a the Medderian. Cruise I set a goal to be on the cruise! So, I wont stop now earning Newport Beach! I am determined to be cruisin May of 2016!!!!!
Stampin Darla in AZ