Woo Hoo it’s the first Wednesday of the month you know what that means RIGHT?
 ICS Blog hop time! Our theme this month is Colors of Courage.
This theme was a tough one for so many of us on the team. Cancer hits so many of us. 

Personally my family has had some losses due to cancer. My brother Joe who was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma on Jan 25, 2017. What a shock and so unexpected when we found out. Thought he might be having a stroke and being told its cancer. When he found out it had already spread to his brain. I was blessed to go and help him for two weeks in Feb in Kansas. Was part of his support system as he was facing treatments that included radiation. It was so hard to see him like that. We had some special times while I was there that I will cherish forever.

 He was a fighter and was determined to live. Sad to say less than four months his fight was over on May 20.  
I decided to make this card for a friend of mine that recently has lost a family member.

Enjoy your next stop for more inspiration to see what Joni has for us!

Product List off supplies I used. Click on any of the products to be taken directly to my online store.